University extension project: establishing a cooperative relationship between the university and the community


  • Aline Cristina Alcânctara Rocha
  • Márcia Scaff de Souza
  • Durce Soares da Silva
  • Eliana Cristina Silva
  • Danyella Rodrigues de Almeida
  • Frhancielly Shirley Souza Sodré
  • Fabiane Aparecida Sales Carneiro


Extension , Wounds , Community , Nursing Care


This article aims to present the Extension Project entitled “Nursing Care for Wound Patients Treated at the Wound Outpatient Clinic in the Municipality of Cáceres-MT”, which was developed in three distinct stages: the first was restricted to bibliographical surveys, the second to care at the outpatient clinic located at the CTA, and the third phase to home care, providing nursing care to patients with chronic wounds. It was concluded that University Extension projects constitute an opportunity for multiple gains, both for academics and professors, as well as for the participating community and the University itself, through the dissemination of its name and recognition of its work before society and other Educational and Research Institutions.


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How to Cite

Rocha, A. C. A., Souza, M. S. de, Silva, D. S. da, Silva, E. C., Almeida, D. R. de, Sodré, F. S. S., & Carneiro, F. A. S. (2015). University extension project: establishing a cooperative relationship between the university and the community. RealizAção, 2(4), 33–37. Retrieved from


