Organic planting at the indigenous municipal school “Tengatui Marangatu”: challenge for pedagogical learning




Indigenous knowledge, Intercroppin, Ethno-sustainability, Agroecology.


TThis article will describe the “Roça Orgânica” Project in the Indigenous Municipal “Tengatui Marangatu” School: Challenges for Pedagogical Learning. Located in Jaguapiru Dourados Village/ MS. The Francisco Horta Barbosa Reserve is a complex ethnic/ social scenario, inhabited by people of the Guarani Nhandeva, Kaiowá, Terena and mixed race ethnic groups. Jaguapiru has about 15 thousand indigenous people confined in an area of ​​3600 hectares. Considering that there is a lack of food in the community, the project aimed to carry out a demonstration, in the intercropping/ polyculture mode of Agro ecological production, where the production will be used in school meals, also to produce seed bank, to recover crop practices and contribute to the teaching-learning process of students. The “Roça” was organized in 1,2 hectares of land. During October and November 2017, after the soil preparation, the students began planting seeds of native varieties, with 10 thousand feet of varieties of cassava branches, among these areas were planted varieties of corn (indigenous and popcorn), beans, rice and potatoes. During the planting process, cleaning moments were held with students and partners. During the Indigenous week Peoples, held in April 2018, the harvest party of the cultivars took place, corn, cassava, rice, potatoes and beans were harvested. The cassava and other harvested crops contributed to the school lunch, part was donated to the community and the rest packed and stored in the school deposit.


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How to Cite

Vera, C., Aquino Insfra, M. A. I., & Martins Morais, C. (2022). Organic planting at the indigenous municipal school “Tengatui Marangatu”: challenge for pedagogical learning. RealizAção, 9(18), 36–45.