Definition of specification and lowest price budget for equipment and utensils: contributions to the implementation of a rural family agroindustry




Rural development, Budget description, Physical-functional planning


This study aimed to characterize, specify and budget equipment, utensils and Personal Protective Equipment - PPE usable in a Rural Family Agribusiness focused on the production of sweets, jams, preserves and colonial cheese. Data collection research, composed of three stages: (1) preparation of a list of equipment, utensils and PPE; (2) definition of the specifications of equipment and utensils necessary for implementation; and (3) verification of three prices charged by different suppliers. Sequentially, the difference between the highest and lowest price per item was calculated. A total of 39 items were listed, distributed among 10 equipment, 29 utensils and PPE. The largest price differences for equipment were observed in the items: 2 Horizontal freezer (R$ 1,412.15); 6 Food processor (R$ 1,595.89); and 4 Industrial stove (R$ 2,229.64). The greatest price differences for utensils and PPE were observed in the following items: 14 - latex gloves, size G, box with 100 units (R$ 243.00); 29 - disposable TNT accordion cap (R$ 242.10); and 4 - shallow stainless steel basin, 35 cm in diameter, R$ (232.76). The price differences found for products with identical specifications confirm the need and importance of carrying out detailed budgets in order to ensure effective savings and better performance in the management of financial resources. This study provided relevant information for the implementation of a Rural Family Agroindustry, in relation to the dimensioning, specification and budget of equipment, utensils and PPE.


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How to Cite

Magalhães, A. M., Masugossa, M. J., Souza, D. G. de, & Cavalheiro, J. C. (2022). Definition of specification and lowest price budget for equipment and utensils: contributions to the implementation of a rural family agroindustry. RealizAção, 9(17), 30–42.