Phonological awareness in the childhood education: an analysis of pedagogical practices
Pedagogical Intervention. Abilities. ChildrenAbstract
The article provides an investigation wich objective was to analyse and to reflect the development of the phonological awareness – the hability we have to manipulate the sounds of our language, the capacity of notice that a word can start or finish with the same sound – and how it works in pedagogical pratice with young children of early childhood education. Bibliographic studies were performed on the phonological awareness, as empirical research in pre-school classes at an educational institution of Dourados – MS. The research was developed from an exploratory qualitative approach. It was found that the concern with developing phonological awareness in children was present performing activities in a playful manner and with the participation of children, as well as how essential is to improve these skills to benefit and facilitate the process of acquiring reading and writing in children, especially as they are starting their school learning. It is concluded that the teacher needs to be trained in order to understand the importance, the need and the knowledge about these processes, aiming to create possibilities and experiences that lead the children to the development of their potentialities, taking them fully to the acquisition of the spoken language, writing, as well as reading and interpreting.
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