Compost barn containment demonstration unit in a small dairy property in the city of Douradina-MS
Animal Feeding, Environmental Control, University Extension, Milk productionAbstract
Currently, there are several types of rearing system for cattle, such as semi-confinement and confinement pasture. The confinement system is widely used in Brazil in milk production, bringing welfare to the animals, resulting in greater productivity. With this, rural producers have been opting for the Compost Barn system (compost barn). The objective of this work was to present the results obtained with a university extension action based on the Compost Barn confinement, developed by professors and students at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD). The activity was carried out at the Nossa Senhora do Abadia site, located in the municipality of Douradina – MS, whose main activity is milk production. The partnership for the action occurred when a Compost Barn system was implemented with a capacity for 30 cows, in a covered shed, with a resting area with rice straw, wood shavings or sawdust for the animals, separated by a corridor from troughs and drinking fountains . Initially, each cow's milk was weighed, and those with higher production and those not diagnosed with mastitis were then incorporated into the confinement. Silage mixed with concentrate was fed in the morning and afternoon. The calves were separated from their mothers on the first day and given milk through a bottle. The results of the extension action showed that the implementation of Compost Barn allowed an increase in productivity, as: cows began to produce more milk, the incidence of ticks decreased and there was no dispute for food, as there was availability of a greater area of trough and food in abundance. The occurrence of cases of mastitis was lower, in addition to protection against excessive rain and sun, preventing problems with laminitis. Animal comfort also generated an increase in milk production, in addition to enabling the control of production, consumption and the environment, thus benefiting the rural producer. The action also brought benefits to the extension training of students, improving their knowledge with practical experience. It also made it possible to evaluate a production model to be implemented in other locations, such as the quilombola group and settlers who, due to the pandemic, were unable to visit the unit, but were able to watch the recorded and edited video. The results of this work encouraged courses to be held with other groups assisted with extension actions, being disseminated in meetings with small producers, settlers and quilombolas, multiplying the scope of the action.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Elaine Barbosa Muniz, Thamiris Wolff Gonçalves, Euclides Reuter Oliveira, Alzira Salete Menegat, Andréa Maria de Araújo Gabriel, Jefferson Rodrigues Gandra, Eduardo Lucas Terra Peixoto, Orlando Filipe Costa Marques, Hellén Felicidade Durães, Janaina Tayna Silva, Nathálie Ferreira Neves, Brasilino Moreira de Lima, Rosilane Teixeira Alves, Danielle Sabrina Manganelli Pereira
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