Jams produced by family agribusiness: diversification strategies to improve process





Sweets. Family production. Reduction of energy value. Camponesia sp.


The production of sweets and jellies with products native to the region prepared by the family agribusiness values regional fruits by stimulating their consumption, becoming a good alternative to increase sales. In this context, the objective of this action was to contribute to the supply of jellies with reduced energy value, allowing to increase the contributions of family farming in the socioeconomic scenario of its operations. For this, Dona Izaltina's Jelly (GdI) was analyzed for water, moisture, soluble solids, acidity and pH activity. To offer a less sweet jelly, the product was made with guavira pulp, sucrose, glucose and citrus pectin. Simultaneously, a sensory evaluation was carried out with trained judges, in order to provide subsidies for the sensory improvement of Jelly. The results obtained showed that the GdI, presented higher water content, darker color and more fluid texture than the jelly produced in the laboratory (GrVE). In the sensory evaluation, the GrVE jelly was more accepted in all parameters evaluated in relation to GdI. Thus, it is concluded that the formulation of the product with less sugar content and less sweet taste was accepted, the partial substitution of sucrose for glucose did not change the quality of the jelly. Therefore, in addition to serving the European consumer, it is possible to expand the market to consumers who appreciate peculiar flavors and aromas of native fruits and who seek less caloric foods, but do not give up the consumption of traditional foods.


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How to Cite

Flozimo, G. K. M., Ferreira, T. H. B., Ferreira, O. M., Albuquerque Neto, H. C., & Argondoña, E. J. S. (2020). Jams produced by family agribusiness: diversification strategies to improve process. RealizAção, 7(14), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.30612/realizacao.v7i14.12393


