Comparison between the water quality index and a rapid assessment protocol in two urban streams in the municipality of Naviraí, MS
Lotic environments , Habitat diversity , Amambai riverAbstract
Water quality is decreasing due to human activities, mainly agriculture and urbanization. In this context, there is a need to assess water quality through efficient and economical tools. Thus, this study aimed to estimate the Water Quality Index and compare it with the Rapid Habitat Diversity Assessment Protocol in two urban streams. Eight points were sampled in the microbasins of the Cumandaí and Tarumã streams, Amambai River. The Water Quality Index was performed using the variables dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, turbidity, BOD, E. coli, total dissolved solids, nitrogen and total phosphorus. The Rapid Habitat Diversity Assessment Protocol was used. It was possible to verify that the Water Quality Index (WQI) varied between 46 and 57, and the Rapid Assessment Protocol varied between 37 and 72. The results obtained for the water quality index and for the rapid assessment parameter are statistically equivalent. However, it is worth highlighting that the methods are complementary, that is, they must be applied together.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ana Paula Lemke, Kellen Natalice Vilharva, Yzel Rondon Súarez

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