The deaf student – ​​from education to the job market in the legal promise and in the reality of Ponta Porã


  • Jakellinny Gonçalves de Souza Rizzo Mestranda em Educação da UFGD
  • Karla Alexandra Benites Florenciano Professora do Curso de Pedagogia da UFMS


School, Libras, Deafness, Inclusion


This study aimed to analyze how schools have contributed to the insertion of deaf students into the job market. Bibliographic and empirical research. A historical overview of the education of deaf students is presented, providing an opportunity to learn about the main methodological trends that guided their education in different historical periods, as well as the role of various components of the school community in relation to the inclusion of deaf students in society and the job market. The field research was carried out in a public school in the state network, in the form of interviews with deaf students. It was found that in practice this school has contributed little to the insertion of deaf students into the job market, since they are often unable to fully communicate either within the school, much less outside it.


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How to Cite

Rizzo, J. G. de S., & Florenciano, K. A. B. (2017). The deaf student – ​​from education to the job market in the legal promise and in the reality of Ponta Porã. RealizAção, 4(8), 5–17. Retrieved from


