Moral harassment: its impacts on harassed workers and employers in Brazil



Damages , Labor Laws , Hostility, Victims, Compensation


Moral harassment has been gaining prominence over the years. Its signs date back to the dawn of humanity and have evolved over time. With the Industrial Revolution, it began to dissipate. Nowadays, its practice, although not prohibited by any federal law, has its restrictions, as shown by the study that was carried out through the Civil Code, Consolidation of Labor Laws, Federal Constitution of 1988, and also the Penal Code, among other bills. This article demonstrates that the practice of moral harassment has impacts on organizations, such as compensation for moral damages, the image of the organization exposed in the media, and health problems for the victim, among others. Based on bibliographic research, this article will address the most common type of moral harassment, which is vertical downward harassment, and ways to repair the damages caused by its practices to the victims.


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Author Biography

Arthur Ramos do Nascimento, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados


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How to Cite

Nascimento, A. R. do, & Cordeiro Neto, J. (2017). Moral harassment: its impacts on harassed workers and employers in Brazil. RealizAção, 4(7), 95–110. Retrieved from


