Analysis of criminal and penal law regarding compensatory penalties in environmental issues from the perspective of the economic mainstream


  • José Cordeiro Neto
  • Luanne Escobar do Nascimento Oliveira
  • Luciana Ferreira da Silva


Degradation , Environmental education , Environmental law , Compensation , Responsibilities


Analysis of criminal and penal law regarding compensatory penalties in environmental issues from the perspective of the economic mainstream

The purpose of this article is to seek, through research, information about the current Brazilian environmental context, how the law interprets the facts and what the compensatory penalties are from the perspective of the Economic Mainstream, as well as to assist in the study of environmental commitment in the criminal sphere, with the aim of verifying which positive and negative points related to what has been produced on the subject by scholars, legislators and also by case law. The methodology used was a theoretical review, where information on environmental and criminal law was sought in scientific articles and books, in addition to decrees, laws, government websites, as well as the study of the economic view in the environmental sphere. Through this study, it was possible to reach six subjects of relevance to the theme, since these subjects indicated that there is an interest on the part of the country in protecting the environment. The limitation of the article lies in the fact that the study was exclusively done through theoretical review, even though the research is relevant for other consultations and works. Through laws, tools are found that can penalize those who cause negative environmental externalities, according to the different forms of pollution and damage caused.


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How to Cite

Cordeiro Neto, J., Oliveira, L. E. do N., & Silva, L. F. da. (2017). Analysis of criminal and penal law regarding compensatory penalties in environmental issues from the perspective of the economic mainstream. RealizAção, 4(7), 15–32. Retrieved from


