Making scented and colored candles using waste vegetable oil as an incentive for environmental education


  • Giselle Giovanna do Couto de Oliveira
  • André Kioshi da Silva Nakamura


Sustainability , Reuse , School environment , Extension course


Waste vegetable oils generate a very large volume of waste that cannot be discarded in any way into the environment, so some alternatives for reuse have been proposed, among them the production of biodiesel and homemade soap. However, these two possibilities present many obstacles. Biodiesel involves expensive laboratory equipment and a lot of specific knowledge, while soap requires a quantity of caustic soda during the process and this product requires care in handling, and can cause serious burns. In this sense, this work proposes the application of a questionnaire to investigate the knowledge and behavior of students about waste vegetable oil, as well as an environmentally friendly alternative for reusing cooking oil, in which the course participants made candles, which were produced using waste cooking oil, as well as (1) use of artificial essence; 2) citronella essence extract, to scent the candles; (3) beeswax; and 4) paraffin, to promote the hardening of candles. Using simple and inexpensive products, a quick and non-hazardous alternative for reusing oil was developed, with a focus on raising awareness that processes like this are important to discuss the topic of environmental education.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, G. G. do C. de, & Nakamura, A. K. da S. (2016). Making scented and colored candles using waste vegetable oil as an incentive for environmental education. RealizAção, 3(6), 40–50. Retrieved from


