A Educação Matemática nos anos iniciais: a modelagem como metodologia


  • Carlos Mometti Faculdade de Educação - Universidade de São Paulo




Methodology, Modeling, Pedagogues


The search for new methodologies for teaching Mathematics in the first years of Elementary School has become more fabulous in the last two decades. This fact is due to the discussion about the improvement of the so-called “quality” of the teaching of Mathematics offered, as well as the training of the pedagogue teacher, responsible for this teaching in Basic Education. Thus, assuming as a context a continuing education course with pedagogical teachers, this article aims to present a hermeneutic-phenomenological study about Mathematical Modeling (MM) understood as a teaching methodology, investigating what would be the concepts expressed in the speeches given while carrying out a continuing education course. For that, three of the participating teachers' speeches were analyzed, and their activities were sent to the virtual environment. As a result, it was noticed that two of the three teachers understood the MM as a methodology, discussing them pedagogically, in addition to the understanding of the methodological continuity that the Mathematics teaching process must present in the first years of Elementary School.


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How to Cite

Mometti, C. (2023). A Educação Matemática nos anos iniciais: a modelagem como metodologia. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 6(4), 03–22. https://doi.org/10.30612/tangram.v6i4.17446


