The Teaching of Plane Geometry in the 2nd Grade of EducationMedium: problem situations involving land cubing




resolução de problemas, cubação de terras, ensino de geometria


The objective of this work is to apply a series of activities approaching a content of Plane Geometry, more specifically, quadrilaterals. Geometry is one of the areas of mathematics and is present in the high school curriculum. Many objects around us have a geometric representation, and, in this way, students can see it applied in their social context. In this work, a differentiated class was presented, showing examples of geometry application. Calculating the area of ​​plane figures is a way of understanding the size of a given space. Thus, land allocation is carried out from the measurements presented in flat figures and results in an area that, in rural areas, is called a task. It was discussed how land cube calculations are developed, through the resolution of mathematical problems. For this research, a qualitative approach was taken. Data analysis was performed according to the students' answers in solving the mathematical problems. Therefore, this work opens space for an analysis and discussion about everyday mathematical knowledge present in different cultures, which can be adopted as an integral part of the local curriculum, contributing to the understanding of mathematical concepts and applications in the social context.


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Author Biographies

Erinaldo Ferreira Nascimento, UFS

Mestrando UFS

Ednaldo Hermes da Silva, Universidade Federal do São Francisco (UNIVASF)

Mestre em Matema´tica pela Universidade Federal do São Francisco (UNIVASF)

Edson Leite Araújo, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF)

Docente no Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional (PROFMAT-UNIVASF) 

Doutor em Ciências da Computação

Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF)



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How to Cite

Nascimento, E. F., Silva, E. H. da, & Araújo, E. L. (2023). The Teaching of Plane Geometry in the 2nd Grade of EducationMedium: problem situations involving land cubing. TANGRAM - Revista De Educação Matemática, 6(1), 210–233.



Pedagogical Experiences