Quotist’s Indian natives in UEMS: access, permanence and evasion of first students in 2004


  • Maria José de Jesus Alves Cordeiro
  • Shirley Flores Zarpelon


Indian natives quotists. permanence. evasion.


The University of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul – UEMS – was one of the first univesity in the country to implant quotas to Indian natives, searching to make feasible in a wider way the access and consequently their ingress in Higher Education. The viabilization of the access is a result of a decision of the State Government by the law number n. 2589 of 12/26/2002. Since the quotas implantation and the ingress of the firsts Indian natives, was noted that the access was put into effect, but the permanence of them was not guaranteed. The research was made with the purpouse of investigating the index and the motives of the evasions of the quotists indian natives in several courses and Universitarian Unities of UEMS, apart from collecting datas that may provide to UEMS subsidies to guarantee the criation and effectivation of the permanence actions. In the permanence issue, the institution has, nowadays, two types of especific actions to the quotists Indian natives: Programa Rede de Saberes and Bolsa Vale Universidade Indígena (PVUI), this last one is derived of the Convention with the Government of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. This research will analyse and intepretate the datas of evasion of the firsts quotists indian natives that ingressed in 2004, aproved in the first selective process by quotas. The datas were collected by a questionnaire applied to the indian natives considered evased and the remainings of the first ingress (2004) that were still studying in 2009.


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How to Cite

CORDEIRO, M. J. de J. A.; ZARPELON, S. F. Quotist’s Indian natives in UEMS: access, permanence and evasion of first students in 2004. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 1, n. 1, p. p.65–79, 2011. Disponível em: https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/index.php/educacao/article/view/1408. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


