The strangeness of the child before the social organization in Lygia Bojunga's A bolsa amarela.




Child. Rationality. Coping.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the perception of the narrator of A Bolsa Amarela, the girl Rachel, about the social environment in which she lives, highlighting the child's estrangement from the habits and values of this society. Bojunga highlights, in the work, themes related to the world of childhood such as imagination, without losing sight, however, of the relationship of childhood and its phases of discovery with the conflicts generated by the authoritarian social context of the period in which the book was produced. This theme is in our interest: a closer analysis of children's rationality in comparison with the socio-historical order already established in the adult world. It is worth mentioning that, through the eyes of the narrator, the author allows a reflection on human behaviors in a society based on authoritarianism, but also enables the review of certain paradigms and prejudices for preserving autonomous and independent thinking.


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Author Biography

Poliana Bernabé Leonardeli, Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Linhares (Faceli)

Possui mestrado em estudos literários pela UFES. Professora titular da Faceli, atua no curso de Pedagogia, nas ementas de Língua Portuguesa, Didática de Ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura Infantojuvenil. Possui artigos publicados na área de Literatura, Literatura Infantil e juvenil e formação leitora. Dedica-se a pesquisar a cultura popular, a memória e a identidade cultural presentes em produções da literatura infantil e juvenil e o ensino de leitura e escrita em ambiente escolar.   E-mail:


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How to Cite

Leonardeli, P. B. (2020). The strangeness of the child before the social organization in Lygia Bojunga’s A bolsa amarela. Raído, 14(35), 173–185.



Politics and society in literature authored by women