Waldorf teachers: educate for freedom to overcome determinism


  • Jonas Bach Junior
  • Tania Stoltz UFPR
  • Marcelo da Veiga Alanus Hochschule


Waldorf Pedagogy, Rudolf Steiner, Education, Freedom.


This article presents the result of a empirical research of a doctoral thesis about the Waldorf education, where teachers express what means for them to educate toward freedom. This study employed the techniques of semi structured interview with Waldorf Brazilian teachers. The data gathered from the respondents were recorded, transcribed and interpreted by the researcher using categories of analysis. The results showed a discussion of education toward freedom as overcoming of deteminisms. Freedom for Steiner is an achievement of human individuality, which has a power above the determining forces. The determinism, in the speeches, may be socio-economic, psychological, biological and cultural. To know your own individuality presupposes a quality of self-knowledge, also means self-realization. The speeches are based on a generic humanism and on the question of to be and to have. The Waldorf education is in counter current and cultivates a cultural way of being that is in conflict with society at large. Certain aspects of the debate of Freire could enrich the discussion about Waldorf education, as the issue of human oppression.


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How to Cite

BACH JUNIOR, Jonas; STOLTZ, Tania; DA VEIGA, Marcelo. Waldorf teachers: educate for freedom to overcome determinism. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 2, n. 6, p. P.87–102, 2012. Disponível em: https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/educacao/article/view/1669. Acesso em: 30 sep. 2024.



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