Beyond a curricular program: the aesthetic education of pre-school and primary school teachers




Aesthetic Education. Art. Teachers’ Narratives.


The intercultural dimensions involved in the teaching profession require that one do not neglect the aesthetic dimensions in the teachers’ training courses, recognizing the need for learning in the field of expressive languages, both personally and professionally. The article discusses data from a research aimed to analyse the presence of the aesthetic and cultural dimensions in the curricula of earlychildhood teacher education and in the student/teachers’ trajectories in initial training at the University of Évora. The theoretical-methodological framework of the study rests in the interface between education, culture and art.The realization of workshops-meetings with students-teachers configured as a space-time to weave memories and narratives about aesthetic developmentaltrajectories. The exercise of recalling situations key to their own education of sensibility, mediated by the contact with multiple languages throughout the workshop-meetings, projected narratives that allowed us to identify key elements of the processes of aesthetic education throughout life and, with them, to reflect that teacher training courses should guarantee space-time for experimentation, expression, creation. In addition to isolated art classes, the importance of cultivating sensitivity and thought articulately, memory and new experiences in contact with nature, culture and art, was endorsed.


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How to Cite

OSTETTO, Luciana Esmeralda; FOLQUE, Maria Assunção; BEZELGA, Isabel. Beyond a curricular program: the aesthetic education of pre-school and primary school teachers. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 9, n. 27, p. 23–35, 2020. DOI: 10.30612/eduf.v9i27.12609. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.



Dossier “Teacher Training for Children: History, Policies, Diversity and Culture”