Disability and accessibility: managers conceptions state acting in the implementation of public policy Inclusive Education
Disabilities. Accessibility. School inclusion.Abstract
The Special Education, in the last decade, stands out in the scenario of Brazilian public policy, since it assumes a transverse function to the educational system. This movement rises supported in recent regulations that guide the organization of inclusive educational systems and in the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006) as constitutional amendment in Brazil. This calls for the transition of the biomedical model of disability to the social model in the process of beneficiaries of public policy identification. From the analysis of narrative interviews with state managers who work in the implementation of inclusion policy in Brazilian educational systems, this article aims to identify the conceptions of such professionals on disability and its relation to the process of implementation of actions to accessibility warranty as a condition for effective school inclusion. The research has identified two trends in the conclusive dimensions: disability understood as human dimension, which refers to accessibility as a fundamental right and affirms the right to education; and disability as a subject attribute, which refers to the duty of offering specific facilities and services, linked to the prioritization of bureaucratic implementation of public policy.Downloads
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