Public School of São Paulo: the current political voice of teachers and curriculum in a historical dimension
Politics of curriculum. High school. Right to education. History of education.Abstract
One of the main themes in the contemporary field of teaching and teaching practices refers to the school curriculum policy. Inserted into the broader theme of this review, this paper aims to expose the results of a survey of curriculum policy in public schools in São Paulo considering the teacher's rolein this process, which also covers the historical dimension of the institution through a escolar. Porcase study with a desk and field research conducted in a high school in the public schools, the Tancredo do Amaral school, located in the city of Salto, it was possible to diagnose the mismatch between the time of the reformers of the curriculum and time school and teachers, in addition to the consequences of this scenario for the formation and autonomy of these professionals.Downloads
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Disponível em: Acesso em 26 nov.2008