The body of Christ
A study of the Padova crucifix by Giotto di Bandone
Crucifixo, Corpo, Humano e divino, Giotto di BondoneAbstract
The objective of this text is to analyze the panel of the Crucifix of Padova painted by Giotto di Bondone (1266-1337) with the premise that the image expresses the duality of the nature of Christ through the human body of Jesus. The humanized body of Christ is understood, in the study, as an indication of the change of mentality about the concepts of man and world that would consolidate in the Renaissance. The methodological orientation is established through the precepts presented by Matine Joly regarding the messages coming from the plastic, iconic and linguistic signs. The analysis of the three groups of signs showed us that Giotto exposes the human nature of Christ, evidencing the suffering body that makes possible, by its similarity, the identification of the appreciator with the Master. Thus, the imagery pedagogy takes effect in Giotto's Crucifix and allows us to verify that images, through different connotations, participate in human formation processes at all times, meeting social demands or instigating reflections, proposing and announcing changes.
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