The institutionalization of primary school in the first republic


  • Daniela Cristina Lopes de Abreu


Republic. Elementary school. Nationalism.


This paper discusses the implementation of school groups in the State of Sao Paulo in the early Republican period. It is known that with the proclamation of the Republic, the leaders felt the additional liability arising out of the new regime and sought to reform the education erasing the memories of the empire. In this sense, it was necessary to create schools could house the students of school age. Popular education was seen as paramount, and therefore intellectual and political prioritized as an object of fundamental reform for the organization of society. Knowing how to read, write, count and vote the Republicans understand the program, as well as enhancing the homeland and national symbols, respecting the dictates of morality and civility. Thus, the republican school is for the Republic, or to legitimize his power. In São Paulo, the creation of the school groups meant the hope of progress and development of the state and country in view of the new regime. The construction of grand buildings was one of the power used by the Republican attempts to usher in a new era. The visibility of the buildings more easily won over the population, ie, the buildings were as lush as the population believe in the system, resulting in greater credibility to the new order.


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How to Cite

ABREU, Daniela Cristina Lopes de. The institutionalization of primary school in the first republic. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 2, n. 4, p. p.156–168, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


