Teacher training: dialogue between initial training and the continued in basic education
continued education, basic education, learning and researchAbstract
The text shares an approach about continued education of teachers, based on the experience of the authors in a post-graduation program lato sensu for teachers of Basic Education, in Mato Grosso do Sul. The proposal of continued education has been developed through the offer of specialization courses and aims the construction of necessary capacities to a teacher who thinks on his work and who has the conscience of his social role as subject of intervention. Those reasons make teachers professionals that have the most need of keeping themselves updated, adding to their job of teaching also to study and to learn how to make research. To change this need into right is fundamental to reach professional valuation and a good performance with abilities demanded by the social function of a teacher. lthough the best place for the teacher´s learning is classroom, today the continued education has been seen as intrinsic need to the teacher in performance, a fact that must be a permanent process of professional development. So the courses for teachers post graduation education lack of a critical analysis on its way to teach, since this kind of education takes practice as reference of new knowledge. It is about the construction of a new position facing knowledge and science, since knowledge has the condition of being unfinished.Downloads
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