Professional preparation and the intellectual disability person’s scholarization
Professional preparation, Teacher training and intellectual disability.Abstract
This essay comes from a set of reflections produced during our
experiences with teacher formation in the area of Education, including the Special Education researches. They motivated us to give voice to the teachers who acted in common teaching who affirmed they had no experience with the students that display intellectual deficiency. We were interested in knowing what they were considering necessary to teach the students with the aforementioned characteristic. To this end, semi-structured interview was more suited to enable the most direct contact with 06 subjects chosen for this research. The interviews were performed in 2 municipal schools in Campo Grande, MS, considering the availability of each teacher. The content of the reports was analyzed based on the historic-cultural perspective. This research revealed that the professional preparation of the teachers was understood by them as being a set of knowledge required to promote the learning of students with intellectual deficiency, assuming for themselves the exclusivity of this responsibility, just as they acknowledged the value of Brazilian legal procedures. Aside from that, the teachers‟ reports pointed to the dichotomy between knowing and doing, leaving to them the execution of the orientations made by the specialized teachers, for to these were attributed competencies to identify the deficiencies and plan the interventions, in the perspective that the special educational needs require individual support.
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