The trajectory of the fight for the legalization of the audiodescrição in Brazil: between legality and legitimacy
Audiodescription. Person With Visual Impairment. Rights. Universal Design.Abstract
This paper deals with the origins of the movement of people with disabilities in Brazil and has introduced the topic of the implementation of audiodescription in Brazilian information channel, whose data reflect a reflection on the relationship between state and civil society by rights. Based on a trajectory traced on the process of implementation of audiodescription in the Brazilian media, the text reflects the discussions and fight demonstrated by actions developed by three different groups that participated in the debates about the implementation of this resource, namely: blind and low vision and its representative entities, companies and associations to defend the interests of those who work with telecommunications, and governmental institutions, including some points guaranteed by the Brazilian law of inclusion. The result of the work evidenced the need for more research involving audiodescription, the accessibility needs of people with visual impairment, and also the testing of the mechanism in terms of efficiency and scope. The result also highlighted the great need for investment in training and qualification of professionals to work in the area through the creation of training courses and training of professionals at different levels.Downloads
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