Audiodescription in pedagogical intervention of learning difficulties




Learning Difficulties. Accessibility Resources. Audio Description.


Learning difficulties consist in obstacles faced in learning and are present from Basic Education to Higher Education. Because subjects with learning difficulties were not included by the National Policy of Special Education, they often do not receive didactic material and resources that help to minimize their limitations. The increasing usage of Information and Communication Technologies in all sectors of society makes teachers use more and more videos and images on their classrooms often without accessible resources destined to people with disabilities and learning difficulties. Among the possibilities that can help students, the audio description stands out. In this way, this article aims to discuss audio description’s application in the intervention of learning difficulties. An integrative review was chosen, making a critical literature analysis regarding the theme, which combines two axes, learning difficulties and audio description as an accessibility resource. The results point out that the lack of training of audiodescribers; teacher training; and the need to institute a new culture involving the understanding about learning and the insertion of mediating resources.


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How to Cite

PAVÃO, Ana Cláudia Oliveira; PAVÃO, Sílvia Maria de Oliveira. Audiodescription in pedagogical intervention of learning difficulties. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 10, n. 28, p. 34–45, 2020. DOI: 10.30612/eduf.v10i28.13014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Dossier "Audio Description, Education and Inclusion"