Images for not failing to see the inhuman gesture


  • Guilherme Foscolo de Moura Gomes Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia
  • Cynthia de Cássia Santos Barra



images, technopolitics, apparatus, gestures, masters of oral tradition.


Following the trail left by Didi-Huberman and bringing into the spotlight
the political question of the production and reproduction of images, this essay reads technopolitical disputes by means of images. Hence, two specific images emerge in the context of transversal experiences of academic formation in Brazilian universities, images that rely on the presence of Masters of oral traditions as subjects capable of legitimizing other ways of producing aesthetic-political thought and making. From there, the essay discusses the materiality of the technological apparatuses (via Nietzsche, Marx and Kittler), the general theory of gestures in Flusser, the concept of apparatus as developed by Agamben and the relations between aesthetics and politics according to Benjamin and Rancière. If it seems obvious, at the outset, that we cannot relate to the technologies and remain unscathed, what remains as a possibility of resistance and life potency for the struggle against the annihilating march of false politics? Litt le, maybe nothing, maybe almost nothing, just, maybe, and still, images.


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How to Cite

Gomes, G. F. de M., & Barra, C. de C. S. (2017). Images for not failing to see the inhuman gesture. Raído, 11(28), 65–80.

