Diachronic socioterminology: variation and change in infantry military terms


  • Sandro Marcío Drumond Alves Marengo Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Military Terminology. Diachronic Socioterminology. Social Lexicology. Linguistic Change.


This paper presents a diachronic socioterminological study of the military
terms step and march, contained in two handwritt en manuals of tactics for Portuguese infantry of the XVIII and XIX centuries. To carry out the research, we start with the question: what motivated the diff erence and the stability in the token frequency (BYBEE, 2002) of the delimited terms? The motivations for the variations and changes of terminological units in this space are studied from the perspective of the third wave of sociolinguistics (ECKERT, 2004; ECKERT; MCCONNEL-GINET, 2010) and are aligned with social lexicology studies (MATORÉ, 1973) and the variationist socioterminology (FAULSTICH, 2001, 2002). Methodologically, we apply the construct of Faulstich and then we identify and systematize the reasons for the variation and change phenomena
extracted from the corpora. Our qualitative and quantitative discussion (BYBEE, 2002) pointed out that the understanding of the change of the simple and complex terminological units pointed (DIK, 1981, 1983) must always relate the lexicon in use to the social and cultural history of its communities of Practice (MARENGO, 2016).


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Author Biography

Sandro Marcío Drumond Alves Marengo, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Doutor em Estudos Linguísticos (Linguística Teórica e Descritiva) pela UFMG. Professor do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras da Universidade Federal de Sergipe.



How to Cite

Marengo, S. M. D. A. (2017). Diachronic socioterminology: variation and change in infantry military terms. Raído, 10(24), 65–80. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/Raido/article/view/5083

