In the jungle lianas: narratives of <em>Selva trágica</em>, by Hernâni Donato, and of <em>A selva</em>, by Ferreira de Castro


  • Josué Ferreira de Oliveira Júnior UNIOESTE
  • Paulo Sérgio Nolasco dos Santos UFGD


Ferreira de Castro, A selva, Hernâni Donato, Selva trágica, Comparative Literature.


This paper aims to the contrastive reading of the narratives of A selva (1930), by Ferreira de Castro, and of Selva trágica (1956), by Hernâni Donato. Taking as starting point the novel of Luso-Brazilian writer, we seek to establish the senses production that his narrative provokes, sharpening the reader perspective in comparison with the novel of Brazilian writer for they are vigorous narratives denunciation in an extractive context of the jungle. Hence that by comparative perspective in a reflection of thematology, both the aesthetic proposals have shown itself as of great productivity both for its historic-social project and for the sense elements that result in fruitful narratives whose relationship text vs. context reveals the topicality and the relevance of the narratives analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Josué Ferreira de Oliveira Júnior, UNIOESTE

Mestre em "Literatura e Práticas Culturais" pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), com a dissertação “No cipoal da selva: relatos dos ervais e dos seringais em Selva trágica A selva” (2015, 149 f), sob a orientação do professor Dr. Paulo Sérgio Nolasco dos Santos. Doutorando em "Linguagem Literária e Interfaces Sociais: Estudos Comparados", pela UNIOESTE - Cascavel, PR. (bolsista CAPES)

Paulo Sérgio Nolasco dos Santos, UFGD

Professor Titular de Literatura Comparada na UFGD. 



How to Cite

Oliveira Júnior, J. F. de, & Santos, P. S. N. dos. (2017). In the jungle lianas: narratives of <em>Selva trágica</em>, by Hernâni Donato, and of <em>A selva</em>, by Ferreira de Castro. Raído, 10(22), 89–104. Retrieved from

