Writing of women in latin america: from the construction of protagonists to the protagonism in writing





Female authorship. Exile. Migrant literature. Decolonial thinking.


The article aims to propose a reflection on how female writing in Brazil is built on a mobile and productive territory, opening space for new perspectives pointed out by contemporary studies.  Writers and researchers play a role as intellectuals that go beyond the domains of art and culture and sign up as a political and resistance option.  Thus, through a brief reference to a history of women's writing literature, national and regional, reviewed by Araújo (2006), Duarte (2018) and Pellegrini and Sena (2014), we propose the expansion of studies and  readings to then encourage reflection on how exile and migratory movements are inscribed in the contemporary perspective of female writing.  It is in this sense that the thought of colonial (s) is also established, inaugurating a new episteme, or at least a new positioning in front of (or alongside) the rhetorical epistemology of modernity, in the words of Mignolo (2019), which requires  an intellectual posture that responds, satisfactorily, to the new forms of presentation of speeches and narratives based on the understanding of minority literature, of 'frontier', at the intersection with female authorship.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. F. de. (2020). Writing of women in latin america: from the construction of protagonists to the protagonism in writing. Raído, 14(35), 157–172. https://doi.org/10.30612/raido.v14i35.11866



Politics and society in literature authored by women