Corpora politica: the creative and contestative power of Ana Cristina Cesar's and Angélica Freitas’s writing




Brazilian literature. Women in literature. Poetry. Literature and gender.


The silencing of female voices in the literature reveals some difficulty in recognizing the possibility that women may tense and think about themes beyond the domestic sphere. In this sense, the present article proposes a dialogue between two poets, Ana Cristina Cesar (in the collection Poetic, 2013) and Angélica Freitas (in A uterus is the size of a fist, 2017), glimpsing in the poetics of both the insertion of themes that dialogue with a political side of being a woman and the inclusion of the female gaze as a discourse capable of searching positions contrary to social impositions on the role of women in society. Basically based on poetry studies (HOLLANDA, 2001a; 2001b), feminist criticism (DUARTE, 2019; SCHMIDT, 2019), gender studies (BUTLER, 2019) and, above all, the dialogue between poems of both writers, we wish to demonstrate the potential of a poetic diction from the feminine.


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How to Cite

Machado, D. A., & Guida, A. M. (2020). Corpora politica: the creative and contestative power of Ana Cristina Cesar’s and Angélica Freitas’s writing. Raído, 14(35), 149–156.



Politics and society in literature authored by women