<em>House of Cards</em>: Shakesperean DNA in the trilogy and the series


  • Brunilda T. Reichmann Uniandrade - PR




House of Cards. Political novels. TV series. Shakespearean genes.


This paper presents a reading of contemporary literary and TV productions, the political trilogy House of Cards, To Play the King and The Final Cut, by Michael Dobbs, an English writer; the BBC series: The House of Cards Trilogy, based on those novels; as well as the Netflix series, House of Cards, that adapts both antecedent works. It brings forth some literary elements of those productions and relates them to plays by William Shakespeare, more specifically, to Macbeth, to Othello, The Moor of Venice, and to King Richard III. It also seeks to demonstrate how novelists, screenwriters and directors of series celebrate the unparalleled art of Shakespeare by reworking themes, updating contexts and rebuilding personality traits of his unforgett able characters. In short, this text aims to recover some of the genetic characteristics of Shakespeare’s plays in contemporary artistic/mediatic production.


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Author Biography

Brunilda T. Reichmann, Uniandrade - PR

Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Uniandrade. Professora da Pós-graduação em Teoria Literária. Fundadora e editora da revista Scripta Uniandrade. Líder de pesquisa do GT Intermidialidade da ANPOLL.


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How to Cite

Reichmann, B. T. (2017). <em>House of Cards</em>: Shakesperean DNA in the trilogy and the series. Raído, 11(28), 141–164. https://doi.org/10.30612/raido.v11i28.6316

