Tania Franco Carvalhal in the trails of the latinamerican literary comparativism


  • Neurivaldo Campos Pedroso Junior UEMS


Tania Cavalhal, Comparative Literature, Latin America, Latin American Literary Comparativism


This article aims to analyze the importat role of Tania Franco Carvalhal to
the Latin-american literary Comparativism. To this objective, it will be discussed not only Tania Carvalhal’s articles, essays, lectures and conferences which the main theme was the Latin American Comparativism but also her decisive role in the creation of several National Association of Comparative Literature in Latin America and also her efforts of the Brazilian comparatist to organize many congress, conferences and seminars that had as mais objective to reunite researchers on the Latin American continent to discuss issues related to the Comparative Literature.


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How to Cite

Pedroso Junior, N. C. (2016). Tania Franco Carvalhal in the trails of the latinamerican literary comparativism. Raído, 10(21), 180–195. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/Raido/article/view/5342



Dossier Interculturalism and Latin American women's writing