“The last chapter” (1916): analysis of Júlia de Almeida Lopes tale published in <em>Atlântida</em> magazine


  • Isabel Cruz Lousada CICS.NOVA - FCSH-UNL / CLEPUL - FLUL
  • Luciana Calado Deplagne


Júlia Lopes de Almeida, Women Writers, Atlântida magazine, Women Studies, Atlantic transits.


The aim of this article is to introduce a short story by Júlia Lopes de Almeida which, to this date, has been absent from the critical essays on the Rio de Janeiro’s author. In order to redeem works of female authors, we suggest the reading of the short story O Último Capítulo, which was published in 1916, in Lisbon, in the magazine Atlântida. Having acknowledge the importance of newspapers and journals as privileged spaces in the divulging of works wri en by women and, therefore, in the acknowledgement of the Belle–Époque female writers, a brief introduction was made by the Luso-Brazilian magazine Atlântida which was published monthly from 1915 to 1920. Afterwards, through the prism of feminist criticism and of some concepts proposed by Roland Barthes, we will analyse the short story.


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Author Biography

Isabel Cruz Lousada, CICS.NOVA - FCSH-UNL / CLEPUL - FLUL

Isabel Lousada (n. Lisboa 1962): Possui os graus de Licenciatura LLM (1984), Mestre (1989) e Doutor (1999) em Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Investigadora Auxiliar de nomeação definitiva da FCSH - UNL; Investigadora Integrada do CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais; Investigadora colaboradora do CLEPUL - Centro de Culturas e Expressões Lusófonas e Europeias da UL. Colabora com a rede WWH - Women Writers in History; Sócia da AEIHM - Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres; Sócia da Sociedade Portuguesa de Geografia - vogal da secção de História da Medicina; Sócia da APE - Associação Portuguesa de Escritores.



How to Cite

Lousada, I. C., & Deplagne, L. C. (2017). “The last chapter” (1916): analysis of Júlia de Almeida Lopes tale published in <em>Atlântida</em> magazine. Raído, 10(22), 21–33. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/Raido/article/view/5046

