Óga pysy (casa de reza) Guarani e Kaiowá: espaço de resistência e de encontro dos seres (humanos e não-humanos).





Indigenous Cosmologies, Guarani Kaiowá, space, teko porã, prayer house


This article presents, from the perspective of a Kaiowá intellectual, the way of understanding space in terms of the cultural meaning of the prayer house (óga pysy) within the tekoha - a term which, in addition to its translation as village or territory, refers to the place where the teko porã takes place, the way of living in beauty and perfection according to Kaiowá cosmology. This text was written to present the construction of an óga pysy at FAIND, UFGD's Intercultural Indigenous College.


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Author Biography

Eliel Benites, UFGD

Eliel Benites is Director of the Department of Indigenous Languages and Memories at the State Secretary for Indigenous Peoples, and Assistant Professor at the FAIND/UFGD Intercultural Indigenous Faculty. He has a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Grande Dourados, a master's degree in Education from the Dom Bosco Catholic University and a degree in indigenous studies, Teko Arandu, from the Federal University of Grande Dourados. He has experience in training indigenous Guarani and Kaiowá teachers, with an emphasis on teaching natural sciences, working mainly on the following subjects: Guarani and Kaiowá, indigenous school education, cosmologies and Guarani and Kaiowá cinema. He is a member of the Association of Indigenous Filmmakers (ASCURI).


BENITES, Eliel. A Busca do Teko Araguyje (jeito sagrado de ser) nas retomadas territoriais Guarani e Kaiowá. Tese de Doutorado apresentada ao PPG em Geografia da UFGD. Dourados: UFGD, 2021.

CHAMORRO, Graciela (org.) Dicionário Kaiowá-Português. 2a. Ed. Belo Horizonte: Javali, 2023.



How to Cite

Benites, E. (2024). Óga pysy (casa de reza) Guarani e Kaiowá: espaço de resistência e de encontro dos seres (humanos e não-humanos).: . Raído, 18(45), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.30612/raido.v18i45.18846



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