Revelations of the child’s dictatorship in the narrative of a homossexual: Tengo miedo torero by Pedro Lemebel




Chilean literature. Dictatorship. Pedro Lemebel.


Contemporary Latin American Literature is characterized by the constant reworking of the past and the official history that we are told. Pedro Lemebel’s Literary Project is based on the reconstruction of the years of Chilean Military Dictatorship. This way, this article presents a reading of the novel “Tengo Miedo Torrero”, published by Pedro Lemebel in 2001 [2002], in order to understand how the author narrates the period of authoritarianism in Chile.


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Author Biography

José Veranildo Lopes da Costa Junior, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN)

Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte.


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How to Cite

Costa Junior, J. V. L. da. (2020). Revelations of the child’s dictatorship in the narrative of a homossexual: Tengo miedo torero by Pedro Lemebel. Raído, 14(35), 92–101.



Politics and society in literature authored by women