The Forest-Runner tale: a State “string game”




String set. Identity. Policy. State. Contemporary Culture.


Reflect territories, identities, policies and their legitimacy within the State, is to understand these dimensions as fictional, at the same time as materialistic, and with impacts on future narratives for Earth. To conduct the study, a methodological approach to the role of Donna Haraway’s “SF” category was invoked, the “string figures”, which aims to  collaboratively  build  other  possible  futures.  “O  conto  da  Floresta-Corredor”  builds  an  ecological corridor policy from the South to the North of Brazil, and discusses new identity and territorial configurations for South America.


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Author Biography

Lucas Guerra da Silva, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)

Psicólogo, cursando doutorado em Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea


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How to Cite

Silva, L. G. da. (2020). The Forest-Runner tale: a State “string game”. Raído, 14(34), 163–183.



Contemporary culture studies and i (n) dentities: Brazilian and South American interfaces