Intersectionality and countercolonial thought: reflections for the inclusion of people with disabilities
Intersectionality, countercoloniality, disabled people, inclusionAbstract
This study aims to present reflections on the concept of intersectionality coined by Kimberle Crenshaw and the countercolonial thought elaborated by Nego Bispo as important paradigms for the inclusion of people with disabilities. It is argued that such epistemologies collaborate, in an interdisciplinary way, in the fight against ableism intertwined with other social oppressions such as racism, machismo, lgbtqiapn+phobia, xenophobia, which produce peculiar processes of exclusion. The research has a descriptive and explanatory nature with an exploratory methodology. Firstly, an overview of intersectionality is presented, a theoretical-methodological tool that allows us to understand that the experience of disability is marked by gender relations, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, religiosity/belief, generation/age, nationality/regionality, class Social. Subsequently, some reflections were elaborated based on countercolonial thinking. Finally, our analysis shows that coloniality makes people with disabilities invisible and intersectionality and countercoloniality are important epistemic paths to validate ancestral knowledge and plurality as foundations for inclusion.
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