marxism, international law, human rights, conventionality review, jurisprudential reviewAbstract
The paper intends to analyze the material bases of the conventionality review in the Brazilian legal system. To achieve its objective, it will utilize the jurisprudence of the Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul, specifically the application of the Interamerican Convention on Human Rights to criminal cases. As a theoretical frame, it will resort to the marxist historical dialectical materialism, for it is considered the methodological tool most apt to understand the capitalist social reality. The jurisprudential data that were found suggest that the legal doctrine’s conception of conventionality review finds no material base in the Brazilian reality, being characterized, above all, as an idealization supported by a normative ideal of what it should be. The conventionality review is more of a constitutionality review with conventionality remains, based on an ideal of sovereignty. The conventionality review’s material base is the Federal Constitution itself and a particular conception of sovereignty, based on the Margin of National Appreciation Theory.
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