Knowledge transfer from students and rural producers about the importance of particle size in corn silage for dairy cows



Palabras clave:

Family farming, Dairy cattle, Case study, Rural extension


This study aimed to guide UFGD students and rural producers about the importance of the ideal particle size in corn silage for dairy cows and its influence on milk production. The work was developed in a rural property in the District of Panambi, in the Municipality of Douradina, Mato Grosso do Sul state. The property is specialized in dairy cattle farming, where the food base of the animals is corn silage. An equipment called Penn State Particle Separator was inserted in the corn silage production process, which allows estimating the quality of the corn chopping process and inferring how the particle size interferes in the quality of the silage. The action allowed those involved to see in practice the importance of the ideal particle size (1 to 2 cm) when evaluating different samples of corn silage with the Penn State Particle Separator and later the animals' consumption and the quality of the animals' leftovers. The exchange of knowledge between the academy and the field, allows the identification of complex issues about the impact of the physical characteristics of food on rumen kinetics, in order to impact the productivity of every rural enterprise. Students and farmers could see in practice the importance of the appropriate particle size for the ensiling process as it is related to forage compaction and how the appropriate particle size can positively influence consumption, produce rumination, salivation and proper peristaltic motion and consequently animal production.


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Biografía del autor/a

Janaina Tayna Silva, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados-UFGD

Graduada em Zootecnia pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Unimontes. Mestranda em Zootecnia - Produção animal pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

Área de pesquisa: Forragicultura e pastagens, análise de alimentos, ruminates.


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Cómo citar

Muniz , E. B., Neves, N. F., de Oliveira, E. R., Silva, J. T., Gandra, J. R., Peixoto, E. L. T., … Gonçalves, T. W. (2022). Knowledge transfer from students and rural producers about the importance of particle size in corn silage for dairy cows . RealizAção, 9(18), 23–35.