Using forages from organic garden to raise rabbits
Productive activity, Rabbits, Rural extension, Horticulture, SettlesAbstract
Rabbits raising can be considered an activity that can bring economic and environmental benefits to those who seek to be self-sustaining. This extensionist action proposed to implant the cuniculture in a strategic perspective of diversification in rural properties. For this reason, settlers were encouraged to raise rabbits in groups in the community located in the Areias settlement, municipality of Nioaque - MS and in the Escola Familiar Agrícola Rosalvo da Rocha Rodrigues - EFAR / COAAMS, an agricultural family school located in Maracaju – MS, Brazil. These groups develop horticulture based on the techniques of organic production, where there is the vegetable waste. Therefore, via the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), New Zealand or crossbred rabbits were donated, after weaning, with an average age of 45 to 60 days. Monthly monitoring, theoretical and practical orientations were carried out by students and professors of UFGD, and APOMS technicians who guided the vegetable production. The breeding facilities were rustic, with the rabbit hutches suspended, made of leftover wood and the minimum necessary utensils of plastic. The animals feeding consisted on ration, forage and part of the vegetables. From a perspective of diversification in rural properties, the activity is evidenced with great potential, considering its benefits related to the low need of space, the use of the organic garden waste, reduced environmental impact, a rich source of protein and complementarity with other activities. In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that despite of the recommended system, the management and the language used must be adapted to the reality of the public to be reached, differing from the one advocated for a commercial creation.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Andrea Maria de Araújo Gabriel, Euclides Reuter de Oliveira, Willian da Silva Gouvea, Elaine Barbosa Muniz, Érika Rosendo de Sena Gandra, Jefferson Rodrigues Gandra, Adrielly Aparecida do Carmo, Thaís Lemos Pereira, Nara de Medeiros Pordeus, Gisele Rodrigues de Oliveira Santos
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