Determination of available copper in regolithic leptosol and rhodic ferralsol under native forest in the west region from Paraná


  • Cleidimar João Cassol Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)



Metals. Basaltic soils.


Natural metal contents depend on the soil processes, the composition of the material of origin, the degree of soil development, these characteristics vary from place to place, making it impossible to extrapolate the data to other regions. In the western region of Paraná, soil metal content surveys have not yet been conducted without direct anthropogenic interference. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of copper available in the Regolithic Leptosol and Rhodic Ferralsol with natural vegetation cover of the West of Paraná. Soils were collected at four different points, in depth from 0 to 20 cm, two Regolithic Leptosol and two Rhodic Ferralsol, using acid extraction from the soil samples with 0,1 mol L-1 HCl and reading in atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The lowest copper concentration was found in the Regolithic Leptosol, with a mean content of 0.20 mg kg-1 Cu and higher in the Rhodic Ferralsol 0.63 mg kg-1 Cu. The data allowed to conclude that soils of the same material of origin, but at distinct stages of evolution contribute to significantly different copper contents.


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How to Cite

Cassol, C. J. (2018). Determination of available copper in regolithic leptosol and rhodic ferralsol under native forest in the west region from Paraná. RealizAção, 5(10), 6–12.


