Social environmental scenario of the Municipal Park Arnulpho Fioravanti, Dourados/MS


  • Fernanda Cano de Andrade Marques
  • Alison de Souza Oliveira Discente no curso de Gestão Ambiental da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Jairo Campos Gaona Docente no curso de Gestão Ambiental da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)



Green area. Management. ZEIA. RAP.


The abrupt changes in the cities lead to impacts on the environment, especially when they are not managed properly. The present work aimed to propose an environmental setting for the Municipal Park ArnulphoFioravanti, while public space, like the grant management proposals for urban green areas in view of the law, the demands of the population, the provision of services and the watch out for the environment. The environmental characterization of the Park used Rapid Environmental Assessment Protocol RAP and subsequently prepared a SWOT Matrix and the environmental scenario in Quantum Gis GIS environment version 2.14. According to the RAP the park is an environment impacted (24 points), therefore, are proposed for the Park actions such as the recovery of permanent preservation area, preparation of a management plan, revitalization and maintenance of sports and among other areas. Therefore, there is a need to offer service diversity, culture, sport and ensure, integrated structures and sustainable occupation of park with social functions as a green area and special area of environmental interest - ZEIA - obeying the limitations of use.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Cano de Andrade Marques

Discente no curso de Gestão Ambiental da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)


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How to Cite

Marques, F. C. de A., Oliveira, A. de S., & Gaona, J. C. (2018). Social environmental scenario of the Municipal Park Arnulpho Fioravanti, Dourados/MS. RealizAção, 5(9), 41–47.


