Organic hay production as a strategy for bulk supplementation for ruminants produced in rural communities in Mato Grosso do Sul
Extension, Haymaking, Forage, Animal productionAbstract
The objective of this event was to relate aspects related to the implementation of a demonstration area at UFGD for the production of organic hay, aiming to provide support in the feeding of beef cattle in the rural communities of Dourados/MS. Thus, approaches were carried out characterized as: forages indicated for haymaking; stages of the haymaking process; quality and nutritional value of hay; losses during the haymaking process; use of hay by animals and economic evaluation of the use of hay. In practice, there was a demonstration of the implementation, cutting, dehydration of green forage, windrowing, turning, baling and storage. In the baling process, a horizontal baler coupled to the tractor was used and laboratory analyses were performed to serve as a database for producers and other interested parties. The event was publicized through verbal contact, posters and the distribution of leaflets in strategic locations. The event provided a theoretical and practical demonstration of haymaking processes, with the participation of rural producers, settlers, quilombolas and students from various courses. The event met the public's knowledge needs, in addition to offering knowledge on organic plant management.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Euclides Reuter de Oliveira, Elaine Barbosa Muniz, Andrea Maria de Araújo Gabriel, Flávio Pinto Monçao, Jefferson Rodrigues Gandra, Érika Rosendo de Sena Gandra, Thais Lemos Pereira, Mábio Silvan José da Silva, Willian da Silva Gouvea, Adrielly Aparecida do Carmo, Cibeli de Almeida Pedrini, Roni Ailson Stefanes Becker
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