Donate blood, donate life: an outreach action to demystify and encourage blood donation in Dourados, MS


  • Paulo César Pereira dos Santos
  • Claudemir Augusto Garcia Fioratti
  • Elizabeth Renata Silva
  • Rosicléia Matias Silva
  • Gabriela Brito Silva
  • Mariele Romana Torgeski
  • Alana Elke do Nascimento Correa
  • Caio Augusto Mussury Silva
  • Rosilda Mara Mussury


Campaign , Extension , Blood Center


The Tutorial Education Program of the Biology course located at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), MS develops several social projects, among which we can highlight the activity “Donate Blood, Donate Life”, which sought to encourage voluntary donation and demystify issues related to donation. The activity took place in two stages, with the first stage consisting of an explanatory lecture and the second stage consisting of donation. The explanatory lectures took place at the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences of UFGD and the donations took place at the blood bank in Dourados, MS. In the first stage, 35 students participated, while 19 students participated in the second stage. It was possible to observe that doubts about donation were clarified and, as a result, interest in voluntary donation was awakened. The main objective of the activity was achieved, however the number of participants was still considered low. Therefore, we will seek to increase the number of campaigns carried out during the year and intensify the dissemination of campaigns.


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How to Cite

Santos, P. C. P. dos, Fioratti, C. A. G., Silva, E. R., Silva, R. M., Silva, G. B., Torgeski, M. R., … Mussury, R. M. (2016). Donate blood, donate life: an outreach action to demystify and encourage blood donation in Dourados, MS. RealizAção, 3(6), 06–11. Retrieved from


