PIBID-Pedagogy (UFGD) action: playful intervention at Clarice Bastos Rosa municipal school (Dourados-MS)


  • Flávia Paula Nogueira Aranda


Playfulness , School break , Pedagogical practice


This article is the result of an experiment carried out at Clarice Bastos Rosa Municipal School (Dourados-MS) during the second half of 2015. The activity was developed by scholarship holders from the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) under the coordination of the school's supervisor. The activity had the following objectives: to calm post-break agitation in the classroom, aiming to obtain better academic performance; and to provide students with experiences of free body movements outside the classroom, awakening learning in a playful way. The activities were developed with 2nd grade Elementary School classes, where the educational action brought benefits both to the classroom teacher and to the students participating in the activity.


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How to Cite

Aranda, F. P. N. (2016). PIBID-Pedagogy (UFGD) action: playful intervention at Clarice Bastos Rosa municipal school (Dourados-MS). RealizAção, 3(6), 31–39. Retrieved from https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/realizacao/article/view/6804


