Use of the solid waste management plan (PGRS) in organizations




Extension, PGRS, Waste Disposal, Sustainability Tripod, Environmental Legislation


The study was the result of the extension course Use of the Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) in organizations, carried out by master's students in the “Filiação Institucional”, on a digital platform in November 2020. It aimed to train the managers of public and private organizations to manage and dispose of solid waste in a correct and responsible manner, in addition to showing how the incorrect destination of this waste can impact the environment, in the three spheres of the sustainability tripod. This is a qualitative study, with data collection through documentary survey, participant observation and a questionnaire applied to course participants. As a result, it was found that PNRS is a legislation that, although it has been in force for some time, is still little known and explored by the population and mainly by businessmen. NBR 10004 deals with solid waste and its classification, while the PGRS is the solid waste plan that must be applied by companies, which is relevant for the performance of the company's social and environmental activities. Reverse logistics plays an important role in complementing the application of standards related to solid waste, assisting in the proper disposal and treatment of this waste in order to contribute to environmental practices. The course contributes to the dissemination of information about solid waste from its classification to its disposal and emphasized the applicability of PGRS within organizations.


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How to Cite

Schwingel, Ângela W., Tomaz, D. A., Dessanti, J. M., Monteiro Mello, M. M., da Silva, E., & Marcelo Roger Meneghatti, M. R. M. (2022). Use of the solid waste management plan (PGRS) in organizations . RealizAção, 9(18), 122–134.