Economic and financial analysis in the production of Pet rabbits in Bambuí in the region of Alto São Francisco - MG




Cuniculture, Productis costs, Pet market


The segment of production and commercialization of companion animals is growing in the Brazilian market. Among them, stands out the one of pet rabbits. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the economic-financial viability of a company producing pet rabbits for the municipality of Bambuí/MG. For this study, the production cost structure and the calculation of financial indicators for the economic activity in question were elaborated. Based on the results obtained, COE costs (R$ 9,081.60), COT (R$ 10,344.94) and TC (R$ 11,339.42) are related for the period of one year and the production cycle of 600 rabbits units. The market price of R $ 60.00 / unit, the RT achieved is R $ 36,000.00 and the indicators MB (R $ 26,918.40), ML (R $ 25,655.06) and L (R $ 24,660.59). All the financial indicators achieved were positive, indicating the feasibility of implementing this project.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. A. de, Valentim, J. K., Mendes, J. P. ., Procópio, D. P. ., & Zanella, J. . (2022). Economic and financial analysis in the production of Pet rabbits in Bambuí in the region of Alto São Francisco - MG. RealizAção, 9(17), 43–51.