Monitoring fish cultivation water in the Itamarati settlement – MS during the winter




Aquaculture, Fish Farming, Family farming, Sustainability, Water quality


The objective of this work was to monitor the water quality during the winter of 2021 in fish farms with excavated tank, canvas tank and aquaponics system in the Itamarati Settlement. Through portable equipment for monitoring pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and saturation, and rapid colorimetric test kits for checking hardness, toxic ammonia and nitrite, it was possible to observe the quality of water from different fish farming systems. Each system responded to monitoring differently over the period. The temperature showed a wide range ranging from 22.4 ºC to 12.9 ºC. The pH remained within neutral with small variations, reaching 6 and reaching 9, for all analyzed systems. Dissolved oxygen and saturation were presented at low concentrations, lower than the recommended 2 mg.L-1, however, the fish did not present “boozing”. For the ammonia and nitrite variables, these show acceptable values so as not to cause any adverse effect on fish. In relation to water hardness, the systems presented soft water. During the monitoring, all producers were instructed and trained to carry out water quality analysis procedures as well as practices to minimize the impact of low oxygenation and low temperatures. It is concluded that the monitoring of water quality is extremely necessary to contribute to the optimization of fish production, combined with the knowledge and knowledge of producers.


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Author Biography

Daniele Menezes Albuquerque, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Curso de Engenharia de Aquicultura

Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias

Aquicultura Continental


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, D. M., Palacio, L. A. da S., Torres, F. S., Marcia Regina, Carvalho, J. G. de O., & Mauad, J. R. C. (2022). Monitoring fish cultivation water in the Itamarati settlement – MS during the winter. RealizAção, 9(17), 63–75.