Biodigestor use in Itamarati settlement: sustainability for rural community
Family farming, Waste, Preservation, By-productsAbstract
The aim of the project was to guide producers on the destination and proper handling of agricultural waste, generating “clean” energy and helping with economic and sustainability issues for the settlement. The biodigestor implantation project was carried out at the Itamarati Settlement, in Ponta-Porã, with a group of around 70 local producers, who were awarded a biodigestor. In 2019, a training course on construction of biodigesters was held, supported by the agreement signed between the city of Ponta Porã, PROEX/UFGD together with the projects approved by UFGD, where producers received initial training. The adoption of the system aims to ensure the proper disposal of waste, and also generate biofertilizer that can be used in the production of vegetables in the organic system and biogas for consumption by the settled producer. The biodigester is composed of three parts: the cargo box, the fermentation tank and the unloading box. It is supplied weekly through manual supply and was built with low-cost materials in order to provide a shorter return on investment. Visits are carried out every 30 days by a professional in the area and after closing. The evaluation will be based on the meetings and evaluation of the producers. The community demonstrated satisfaction with the implantation of the biodigester, which enables the development and permanence of man in the countryside, in addition to being a viable and efficient technology, bringing benefits to the producer and the environment considering the removal of possible pollutants.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jefferson Rodrigues Gandra, Cibeli de Almeida Pedrini, Bruna da Silva Alem, Euclides Reuter de Oliveira, Eduardo Lucas Terra Peixoto, Andréa Maria de Araújo Gabriel, Murilo Matias Lima, Hellén Felicidade Durães, Janaína Tayna Silva, Nathálie Ferreira Neves, Hindyra Marihellym Folador, Rayrana Carvalho Costa
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