Measures for Sanitary Expansion in Fish Farming - The Importance of Quality Food


  • Claucia Aparecida Honorato Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)



Aquicultura. Extensão rural. Qualidade da dieta. Sistema de produção de pescado.


The objective of this meeting was to relate relevant aspects to the implementation of a channel of conversation and advice of fish producers of the Itamaraty community, aiming to provide technical support for the production sustainable and economically Viable fish. Thus, the collection and characterization of the diets used by them were carried out in the different phases of the development of the fish cultivated in this community. The diets were analyzed and subsequently a field day was carried out in which this information was passed. An informative folder containing the Pacu food management underwent thermal stress was developed concomitantly. At the time of the event this was distributed to the rural producers. The event provided a theoretical/practical demonstration on how the quality of the diet can promote beneficial responses in the fish production system, with the participation of rural producers, seated, quilombolas and students of various courses. The event met the needs of knowledge of the public, besides offering knowledge of food management of the fish in the critical period of creation.


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Author Biography

Claucia Aparecida Honorato, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)

Professora da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados


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How to Cite

Honorato, C. A. (2019). Measures for Sanitary Expansion in Fish Farming - The Importance of Quality Food. RealizAção, 6(11), 34–43.


